What is the salary of - Alarm system service technician San Miguel de Tucuman?
How to find a job - Alarm system service technician San Miguel de Tucuman?
What are the typical job requirements for this occupation?
Alarm system service technician San Miguel de Tucuman - What are the typical requirements or qualifications in job postings?
Salary for the job: Alarm system service technician San Miguel de Tucuman - USD 311 (25520 INR)
Average salary San Miguel de Tucuman - USD 399 (32718 INR)
Wages are paid in local currency: ARS (Argentine pesos)
The impact of the work experience on the salary:
Experienced: + 11%
Mid-Career: + 6%
Entry-Level: - 9%
Chart: (1) Salary - Alarm system service technician India (2) Salary - Alarm system service technician San Miguel de Tucuman
Chart: (1) Salary - Alarm system service technician (2) Average salary - San Miguel de Tucuman
Chart: (1) Experienced (2) Medium experience (3) Partialy experience
Salary - Alarm system service technician: (1) San Miguel de Tucuman (2) Mendoza (3) Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz
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