Gardener Essex County, NJ - Wage, How to get hired for a job
What is the hourly wage - Gardener Essex County, NJ?
How to get hired for a job - Gardener Essex County, NJ?
Average hourly pay for the job: Gardener Essex County, NJ - USD 20
Mean wage Essex County, NJ - USD 30.79
The number of years of related experience can have an influence on the salary:
Over 20 years of experience: + 15%
10 - 20 years of experience: + 3%
1 - 10 years of experience: - 11%
Bar chart: (1) Wage - Gardener (2) Mean wage - Essex County, NJ
Bar chart: (1) 15+ years of experience (2) Mid Career (3) Up to 8 years of experience
Employee benefits
Retirement plan: Very rare. If your employer doesn't offer a retirement plan, you can set up your own retirement plan.
Health insurance plan: The proportion of non-elderly employees with employer-sponsored cover is above 55%. Government, large and mid-sized employers usually provide health insurance benefits. About half of small businesses provide health insurance for their workers.
Companies provide training and development programs for their employees: Usually not, but provided short period of on-the-job training is usually enough to teach new hires the skills they need.
Companies provide career development opportunities: No, but companies offer alternate ways to reward employees.
Licenses and Certifications: Although not required, licensing can show competence and lead to advancement and higher pay.
Typical Job Requirements and Qualifications
Required education level: High school or the equivalent
Computer literate: Not required
Probationary period: Employers may require 90 day probation period for new employees.
English proficiency requirements: An employee may be required by an employer to show intermediate or standard level of ability in English.
Driver's license: Required
Work experience: Impact on the pay - Low
Bonus program may include Noncash bonus or Milestone Bonus.
Required on-the job training: Most workers learn through on-the-job training, usually lasting several weeks, under the guidance of more experienced member of staff.
Types of employment:
Full-Time Job
Part-Time Job
Seasonal Job
Contract employment
Freelance Job
Job category: agriculture and fishing jobs
Work Schedule and Paid Leave Benefits
Workweek: Monday - Friday (employer may require "alternative workweek schedule")
Usual number of working hours per workweek: 40
Overtime: No
Minimum number of paid vacation days: 0 (There is no Federal law that requires an employer to provide paid vacations. Paid vacation is at the discretion of the employers to its employees. Some employers in the USA offer no vacation at all. The average number of paid vacation days offered by employers in the USA is 10 days after 1 year of service, 14 days after 5 years, 17 days after 10 years, and 20 days after 20 years.)
Paid holidays: Over 76% of private employers give their employees paid time off during public holidays - 8 days on average per year.
Meal period: Meal breaks are not compensable work time. However, most employers choose to give their employees meal breaks.
Meal period duration: 30 minutes
Flexible work schedule: Most employers provide flexible working opportunities for their staff.
Companies in Essex County, NJ, with the highest published employment and wages for this occupation - gardener, are amusement, gambling and recreation companies.
Facts and Figures Essex County, NJ
State abbreviation: n/a
Total area: 130 mi2
Population: 798,975
Estimated Number of Jobs: 308,500
Minimum hourly wage: $11.00
Median household income: $64,522
Retirement age: 66 years and 2 months
Here you can see average wages for different jobs - Essex County, NJ
Here you can see average wages for different jobs - New Jersey
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