In this list of in demand occupations you can get information on common job requirements and benefits, job salary compared with average salary in Switzerland, and how pay varies over years of working experience. Choose an occupation from the list and click to get detailed information.
Store manager assistant Zurich
Mercedes-Benz car mechanic Zurich
Opel Automotive Technician Zurich
Volkswagen (VW) Technician Zurich
Renault Automotive Mechanic Zurich
Nissan automotive mechanic Zurich
KIA Automotive Technician Zurich
Volvo automotive mechanic Zurich
Chevrolet auto mechanic Zurich
Physical education teacher Zurich
Medical laboratory technician Zurich
Emergency medical technician Zurich
Cook in a fast food restaurant Zurich
Cook assistant restaurant Zurich
Telecommunications Engineer Zurich
Refrigeration technician Zurich
Air conditioning technician Zurich
Mobile phone technician Zurich
Ice cream seller (maker) Zurich
Alarm system service technician Zurich
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